Our Villagers
Our Villagers
Our villagers are the life of Cresset House, and the reason that we are passionate about what we do. Our vision is to enable the highest possible degree of fulfilment for every villager, both as an individual and as a member of our community.
We live as a community, with 6 houses each caring for up to 12 villagers as members of an extended family, with a house parent and assistant overseeing each house.
We welcome applications for residential and day villagers.
Please complete the short application form and our social worker will
get in touch with you to set up time for you and your
loved one to visit us. Are you looking for more information on how we structure our days and what we get up to together?
Daily Activities
Craft Centre
Activity Centre
Stimulation Centre
Assisting in the Houses
Business Contract Work
Evening Activities
Coffee Bar
Hobby Groups
Music Evenings
Games Evenings
Bible Study/Stories
Special Activities
Birthday Parties
Theme Parties
Disability Days
Special Olympics